UMBC’s Department of Marine Biotechnology, a partner member of the Institute of Marine Environmental Technology (IMET), is comprised of 9 faculty members and four graduate students. Located in the Columbus Center adjacent to Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, research in the department is focused around aquaculture and fisheries biotechnology, and marine molecular microbiology. Research interests of the faculty members encompass topics such as finfish and shellfish reproductive endocrinology, environmentally sustainable marine aquaculture, stock restoration and algal aquaculture/biotechnology, bioremediation and biological sensing extremophiles, microbial genetics and biosensor development, and symbiotic bacteria and their impact on ocean health. The Columbus center in which the Marine Biotechnology Department is housed hosts multiple facilities designed to aid in research efforts including the Aquaculture Research Center (ARC), the BioAnalytical Services Laboratory (BASLab), the Extremophile Scale-Up Facility, and the Microscopy Facility.
Chair: Dr. Yonathan Zohar, Professor
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