CNMS Eminent Scholar Int’l Program

The CNMS Eminent Scholar International Program facilitates a mentoring relationship between a newly tenured UMBC associate professor and a prominent researcher/practitioner in their field outside of the United States. This relationship will be established to provide a connection for the UMBC faculty member to their larger research community to enhance their success (and that of UMBC) as they advance through the ranks of academia. Objectives are as follows:

      • Provide additional research support to faculty in CNMS departments and units.
      • Provide a mechanism for increased international student recruitment and/or program development.

Activity Requirements: Participation in the program entails regular contact (e.g. at least once a semester) between the mentor and the mentee. During the 2-year award period, the mentor will visit UMBC and give a seminar; and the UMBC faculty member travel to the mentor’s institution to likewise give a seminar. In addition, the faculty member will coordinate with Center for Global Engagement to explore any recruitment or program development opportunities.

Dean Office Roles/Responsibilities: The Dean’s Office is responsible for working with their departments/programs to administer the program and to submit the CNMS Eminent Scholar International Annual Program Reports for each year of a faculty member’s 2-year award.

Funding: The Dean’s Office will provide the faculty member with up to $5,000 in reimbursable funds to support participation in the program during the first 2 years–following the awarding of tenure typically following promotion to associate Professor.   The reimbursable funds may only be used to support participation in the program, such as: travel, hotel, meals, and honorarium.

Selection: After the Dean has approved the choice of an Eminent Scholar mentor, the Eminent Scholar International will be sent one letter from the Dean to participate in the program and one letter from the chair explaining the program. The associate professor will be copied on each of these emails.

Reporting: The faculty member is responsible for providing Eminent Scholar International Annual Program Reports (Appendix I Form Here) to the Dean in June of each academic year.

Program/Chair and Faculty Roles/Responsibilities:  The chair/program director is responsible for working with the associate professor to identify an Eminent Scholar International Mentor.

Selection: Ideally, this should work should begin after the official awarding of tenure. After the mentor has been identified, the chair should notify the Dean of the selection by email and cc the associate professor. The following information should be included in the email:

        • UMBC Associate Professor Information: Name, email, telephone number, and CV
        • Eminent Scholar International Mentor Information:  Name, university, title, email and telephone number
        • Contact information of the administrative support person in your department/program to work with the associate professor to coordinate the logistics of the program.

Communication: The faculty member will contact the Center for Global Engagement to explore opportunities for coordination of international student recruitment or program development opportunities.

Funding: Logistics for travel, visits, and funding should be made in partnership with the UMBC associate professor’s home department/program and Dean’s Office. All expenses should adhere to UMBC Travel guidelines

Reporting: The associate professor and Chair/Program Director are responsible for completing the Eminent Scholar International End of Program Report and submitting it to their Dean’s Office at the conclusion of the 2-year mentoring relationship.


Questions: Please direct all questions to the Dean’s Office.

Attachments: Appendix I: CNMS Eminent Scholar International Annual Program Report: Here

Ver. 2024-07-16